Metallic SWNTs (IsoNanotubes-M)

Metallic SWNTs

IsoNanotubes-M Product


Diameter Range 1.2nm-1.7nm
Length Range 300 nm to 5 microns
Solution Color Green
Metal Catlyst Impurity <1%
Amorphous Carbon Impurity 1-5%
Electronic Enrichment 70%, 90%, 95%, 98%, 99%

Product Applications

The IsoNanotubes-M product has been a reliable staple of NanoIntegris Technologies for many years now. This one-of-a-kind, high-purity, conductive material can be utilized fir many types of applications such as a replacement for Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) in flexible electronics, within highly conductive wire composites, smart glass/ windows, within high-speed bolometers for Infrared sensors, and for developing intelligent cellular delivery systems.

High Speed Bolometers

Work performed at the Center for Future Energy Systems, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has shown the metallic IsoNanotubes are a suitable material for infrared sensors; specifically for application to  microbolometers. It was found that highly cracked composites containing IsoNanotubes-M had the best properties over other nanotubes. Measurements of Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (TCR) was -6.7%/K at 25˚C, Device Responsivity: 62 V/W @ 500mV bias, Film conductivity of 1.69×10-6 S/m, and a Time constant of ~560 µs at 63% response.

Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8632 863205-2


siRNA Nuclear Localization

Research by scientists at University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy have found that complexes created with IsoNanotubes-M material may be a great prospect for developing intelligent cellular devlivery systems, targeting particular nuclei. Some of the wonderful properties found were 1 hr binding of SWNT complex to cellular membranes followed by subsequent uptake into cytoplasm, with higher selectivity toward nucleoli, as compared to semiconducting or un-electronically separated nanotube sources.

Future Sci. OA (2015) FSO17


Highly Conductive Wire Composites

At the NASA Glenn Research Center, Dr. Henry C. de Groh III was able to create a Copper Carbon Nanotubes Composite1, utilizing the IsoNanotubes-M 95% material displaying enhanced conductivity of +246%, as compared to unsorted nanotubes. It was also theorized that such composites will lead to wires with enhanced current carrying capacity (amapacity) over long lengths.

[1] MRS Advances, Volume 2, Issue 2 (Nanomaterials)2017 , pp. 71-76

Product Delivery

We currently offer our nanotube products in two forms: Aqueous surfactant solution and surfactant-eliminated “powder” (thick film or buckey paper). We remove the surfactant from our powders via a proprietary process that involves filtration and rinsing. The end result is a film-like structure, as can be seen in the above picture, bearing a density around 1mg/ 4.8cm2. Our powders have been formulated so that they are easy to use, break apart, and disperse in solvents with gentle sonication.


Multi-gram and kilogram price quotes available by request. Additional discounts also available for large volume orders.

To place an order contact our Sales Manager at or call +1-866-650-0482.

Metallic Purity Solution ($ USD) Thick Film ($ USD)
1mg, 99% $1050 $1100
2mg, 98% $1600 $1700
3mg, 95% $1600 $1700

IsoNanotubes-M Product