NORCADA Beautifies NanoIntegris’ Virtual Landscape

Various pages of the NanoIntegris Technologies’ website have been updated with beautiful Field Emission Scanning Electronic Microscope (FE-SEM) images provided by NORCADA. Such pages include those for the PureWave Graphene, IsoNanotubes-S, and Super PureTubes materials.

“A FESEM is microscope that works with electrons (particles with a negative charge) instead of light. These electrons are liberated by a field emission source. The object is scanned by electrons according to a zig-zag pattern. A FESEM is used to visualize very small topographic details on the surface [of] entire or fractioned objects. Researchers in biology, chemistry and physics apply this technique to observe structures that may be as small as 1 nanometer (= billionth of a millimeter).” [Radboud University Nijmegen FESEM article]

These images provide a never-before-seen glimpse into the powders and thick films of the PureWave Graphene and IsoNanotubes-S thick films at microscopic levels. With magnifications that show areas spanning only 2 microns in width, these images display the beauty of our carbon nano materials.

FE-SEM of PureWave Graphene Powder by Najia Mahdi

The clickable images displayed in this article highlight some of the visuals that were being described above. The featured image above displays the acute angled edge of an IsoNanotubes-S thick film sheet while the image immediately above this paragraph shows the cracked and terrestrial appearance of the PureWave Graphene powder.

The following two images not only reveal the chaotic and numerous distribution of single walled carbon nanotubes that comprise our solution-removed film sheets, similar to that of a lunar landscape, but the multiple layers that are stacked upon each other, amounting to no more than the thickness of sheet of paper; the edge of which leads to a descent into an unknown abyss.

NORCADA describe themselves as “a MEMS and photonic product company specialized in the development and manufacturing of MEMS devices and mid-IR DFB lasers for a wide range of industrial and scientific applications.” For more information on their FE-SEM technology and other services, please make certain to visit them at